PERSGA recognizes the importance of integrated database and information system for sound knowledge management and sharing, which is essential to foster regional collaboration in management of living marine resources and ecosystems of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. Monitoring and assessment data and information are continuously being collected by or shared with PERSGA in various themes and forms (e.g. environmental data, fisheries statistics, studies and reports) that feed into the PERSGA regional library. Much of this data collected are based on standard survey and assessment methods which were developed for monitoring various themes and components, such as key habitats and species, MPAs, fisheries, etc. in the framework of PERSGA programs and projects related to coastal and marine ecosystems in PERSGA region
PERSGA Knowledge Base
The SFISH project is focusing one of its key interventions to improve PERSGA information system through support of upgrading the hardware infrastructure, and design and implementation of improved database system with the aim of promoting PERSGA function as a regional platform for information collection, storage and analysis, and sharing knowledge to support science-based policy and capacity development for sustainable management of living marine resources and key habitats ecosystems in PERSGA region.
Upgrading IT Equipment for hosting database and modelling system at PERSGA HQ and EMARSGA Centre
The SFISH project has provided support for supplying PERSGA HQ and EMARSGA with new computer servers, UPS systems, computers and network accessories, and audiovisual and interpretation system for training rooms. This significant upgrading of the IT infrastructure at PERSGA and EMARSGA will enable:
- Hosting new PERSGA regional database to serve integrated information management and knowledge sharing. The system relational database design and implementation is currently undertaken by the consultant firm.
- Accommodating upgraded pollution modelling system, including oil spill (OILMAP), chemical spill modeling (CHEMMAP) and Air Dispersion (AIRMAP) modelling components.
- Improved facilities at for provision of training and technical support, and communication effectiveness for networking with beneficiaries, in addition to promoting PERSGA capacity for design and production of outreach materials, and conducting awareness activities.
Design and implementation of PERSGA KIMS
As initial step for implementation of KIMS, and assessment was conducted by the PCU and the hired IT consultant firm, in order to identify designing scope features and needs considering nature of information and data to be handled by the system. A series of online consultation meetings followed to clarify details of datasets sorting, methods of their collection, reporting outputs required, etc. for scheming entry tables and relational database components. These included for examples, themes and templates of Standard Survey Methods developed by PERSGA through previous projects (e.g.) SAP and SEM and the current SFISH for assessment and monitoring of key habitats, key species, fisheries data, etc. and collection formats for the scope of the integrated regional information system.
The primary design of the database was developed by the IT consultant by mid-April 2024, where by a mission conducted during first week of May 2024 to meet PERSGA team, present the constructed database design, collect remarks and discuss issues to be considered in order to proceed with refining the design for the different modules, user interface design, and making adjustments as needed. The mission also provided orientation for PERSGA staff and training on data entry, management and other uses of the system. The main modules will enable web-based data collection and management covering the following monitoring data and information
- Fisheries data, such as frame, landing site, fisher tracker, catches, gears, fish length frequencies, etc. surveys
- IUU themes (Shore Facilities, Vessels, Stakeholders, legal etc.) assessment surveys
- MPA Management Effectiveness assessment data (Scorecards)
- Ground truthing Surveys
- Mangrove Surveys
- Water Quality data
- Seagrass Watch
- Coral Reef Checks
- Turtle nesting and foraging area surveys
- Seabirds- Arial, vegetation point, flush count and walk-through belt surveys
- Marine Mammals interview and boat-base surveys

PERSGA Is developing new mobile app that’s will provide
access with an ease.
Coming Soon.