7221Regional Training Workshop on ““The Conservation of Sharks, Marine Turtles, Seabirds, and Marine Mammals”

Regional Training Workshop on ““The Conservation of Sharks, Marine Turtles, Seabirds, and Marine Mammals”

Mar 20 ,2025 1 Minutes To Full Read

A regional training workshop on the conservation of key groups of the marine megafauna (Seabirds, Marine turtles, Sharks and Marine Mammals) in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden was organized by PERSGA in Jeddah between 17-19 March 2025 through WB-SFISH Project.

The workshop brought together about 20 national consultants, experts and representatives from all PERSGA member states to share information on the current status of these important megafauna research and conservation in the region, along with leading international megafauna expert providing advices on best practices, success stories and guidelines for preparing the national action plans to conserve these important key groups.