4726Djibouti national stakeholders Consultation as part of the chemical pollution risk assessment involving HNS transported by sea in the region

Djibouti national stakeholders Consultation as part of the chemical pollution risk assessment involving HNS transported by sea in the region

Jan 24 ,2024 1 Minutes To Full Read

A consultation mission was carried out in Djibouti in conjunction with the Ministry of Environment of Djibouti. from January 21 to 24 2024. The mission was implemented within the SFISH project, and as part of the chemical pollution risk assessment involving HNS transported by sea in the region in developing regional contingency Plan, preparedness and response.

The objective of this mission was to gather information from different stakeholders involved in prevention, preparation, emergency crises and the accidental oil and HNS marine pollution responses in Djibouti, in addition to an inventory of the existing capacities to deal with an oil and chemical spill in Djibouti with a view to drawing up a risk assessment report which will lead to establish and update the regional contingency Plan.

Following the round of meetings and discussions a set of findings was shared and submitted to Ministry for the Environment and Sustainable Development. These findings were based on the field visit and after a review of previous feasibility studies and reports compiled by PERSGA.